Dear Patriotic Ethiopians and Friends of Ethiopia:
Lessons from 400 Years of British Connection to the New World.
This is a very unique time in history where few bligered Hudson Bay Company and Virginia Exploration Comapny descendants make it to the top of the world and Her Majesty the Queen whose corporations came exploring the new world world is here to honor the history and heritage of those brave explorers of some 400 years later.
Interestingly, the new world is seeking connection to the old world, especially in times where serious mistakes have been made in Iraq Intelligence and the current daily carnage of the local and international people in modern day Babylon.
It is interesting how the Monarch- the Motheer Figure of Anglo-Saxon Civilization responds to our current challenges and opportunities. Here is a very telling historical account where the Repulican Party more or less through out history connects with the British Monarchy whereas the Democracts make peace with the challengers of this unique Anglo-Saxon Dynasty that has ruled over the world under the British and now American Empire.
It is worth taking a lesson, that even though Britain was the one who gave independence to America, she continues to have a common wealth with most of the 13 first colonies who pride in calling themselves the Commonwealth of Nations. This is a very interesting lesson for the rest of the world and especially to the Ethiopian Empire on how to re-link with old kingdoms and new repulics and rogue nation states of the Horn.
All the same, it is so delightful to see nations and leaders respecting each other and honoring their heritage with dignity and the much needed reciprocity of appreciation of the past, present and the expectations of the future.
Please read below the Los Angeles and the White House Account of this historic visit.
with regards
Belai Habte-Jesus, MD, MPH
Global Strategic Enterprises, Inc & Partners for Peace and Prosperity,,
Pres. Bush welcomes Queen Elizabeth II to White House
By Johanna Neuman, Times Staff Writer
12:08 PM PDT, May 7, 2007
WASHINGTON -- President Bush welcomed Queen Elizabeth II to a bunting-draped White House today with a 21-gun salute, an elegant white-tie dinner -- and a sigh of relief.
Beset by tensions over Iraq and discord with Democrats, Bush was so warmed by the royal presence that after lunch he personally walked the queen across the street to Blair House, where she and her husband, Prince Philip, are staying during their two-day visit to Washington.
The president demonstrated for the royals his well-documented talent for flubbing lines. Noting her visits to the White House during her reign, Bush thanked her for the trip in which "you helped our nation celebration its bicentennial in 17-- in 1976."
A throng of 7,000 flag-waving speakers of both American and British English laughed as Bush recovered, marveling as always at the queen's equanimity. The monarch moved not a muscle at Bush's inference that she was over 230 years old. He looked at her with one of his "aw, shucks" grins, ad-libbing, "She gave me a look that only a mother could give a child."
With Defense Secretary Robert Gates expressing his views that U.S. troops should be gradually withdrawn from Iraq, dissension over the war was never far away. But the White House pulled out all the stops, prevailing upon the president, who prefers to dress Texas informal, to don tuxedo coattails for tonight's state dinner.
The White House also tapped violin virtuoso Itzhak Perlman to perform tonight and planned a five-course meal -- without spices that might upset the royal palate -- all to generate a rare air of optimism.
"We've done everything we can think of to do to make it really a wonderful evening for her," first lady Laura Bush said on ABC's "Good Morning America." "And I know the American people are thrilled that she's here in the United States. It's a happy occasion."
Bush himself injected his controversial war into the proceedings as he welcomed the queen to the White House.
"Today," he said, "our two nations are defending liberty against tyranny and terror. We're resisting those who murder the innocent to advance a hateful ideology, whether they kill in New York or London or Kabul or Baghdad. American and British forces are staying on the offense against the extremists and terrorists….
"The fruits of our work have been difficult for many to see, yet our work remains the surest path to peace, and it reflects the values cherished by Americans and by Britons and by the vast majority of people across the broader Middle East."
The queen replied in kind. "A state visit provides us with a brief opportunity to step back from our current preoccupations to reflect on the very essence of our relationship…," she said. "It is a moment to take stock of our present friendship, rightly taking pleasure from its strengths, while never taking these for granted. And it is a time to look forward, jointly renewing our commitment to a more prosperous, safer and freer world."
Demonstrating a flawless command of English grammar -- not always seen in her host -- she concluded, "Mr. President, thank you for inviting Prince Philip and me to visit your country."
The queen's visit ensured that someone at the White House was popular--albeit not Bush. While the president's latest approval numbers below 30% in several polls, CNN reported that Queen Elizabeth boasts an 80% approval rating among Americans.
Times staff writer Joel Havemann in Washington, D.C., contributed to this report.
President George W. Bush and Mrs. Laura Bush wave to an audience of 7,000 guests during the Arrival Ceremony for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness The Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh Monday, May 7, 2007, on the South Lawn. White House photo by David Bohrer
President Bush Welcomes Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to the White House
"Our two nations hold fundamental values in common. We honor our traditions and our shared history. We recognize that the strongest societies respect the rights and dignity of the individual. We understand and accept the burdens of global leadership. And we have built our special relationship on the surest foundations -- our deep and abiding love of liberty."
-- President George W. Bush
May 7, 2007
The State Visit in Honor of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness The Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh
President George W. Bush and Mrs. Laura Bush are honored to host Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness The Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh on Monday, May 7, 2007.
The United States has no closer ally and friend than Great Britain. Our nations share an exceptionally close relationship based on deep historical and cultural ties, a common language, shared values and interests, and a commitment to defend freedom around the world.
This visit by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness The Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh, is an occasion to celebrate these enduring bonds.
President Bush and the First Lady visited England in November 2003 and welcome the opportunity to return that hospitality, which, as the Queen noted at that time, has been extended to seven of the President's predecessors.
The Arrival Ceremony
The Arrival Ceremony for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness The Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh, will take place on May 7, 2007 on the South Lawn of the White House.
Approximately 7,000 guests will attend the Arrival Ceremony, including the American and British delegations, British Embassy staff, State Dinner guests, Members of Congress, Cabinet Members, White House staff and their guests, State Department staff, and students.
The White House arrival ceremony includes the following:
Arrival of the motorcade carrying Her Majesty and His Royal Highness
A greeting of Her Majesty and His Royal Highness by the President and Mrs. Bush on the south side of the driveway outside the Diplomatic Room entrance
Her Majesty and His Royal Highness greet the United States Welcoming Committee
The President and Her Majesty proceed to the reviewing platform
The ceremony begins with the National Anthem of Great Britain (simultaneous 21 gun salute) and then the National Anthem of the United States
The President and the Queen review the troops on the lawn
President Bush and Her Majesty observe the musical troop in review performed by the Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps
President Bush and Her Majesty make remarks
The President and Her Majesty face the Troops and the Commander of the Troops indicates that the ceremony has concluded
President Bush, Mrs. Bush, Her Majesty, and His Royal Highness proceed to the Blue Room Balcony for a photo opportunity
Guests of the State Dinner
The dinner will take place in the State Dining Room on the State Floor of the White House, following a reception in the East Room on the State Floor. One hundred thirty-four guests will be seated in the State Dining Room. A diverse representation of guests from across the country will attend the State Dinner. An American and a British delegation will represent their respective countries at the State Dinner. The Vice President and Mrs. Cheney, Secretary Rice, Secretary and Mrs. Gates, and General and Mrs. Pace are among the American delegation.
A member of the Bush Administration will serve as the table host at each of the thirteen tables. Members of the British delegation will be seated throughout the State Dining Room. Traditionally, couples are seated at different tables.
Attire for the State Dinner
In honor of the Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and His Royal Highness The Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh the attire for the State Dinner is white tie. This is the first white tie event that the President and Mrs. Bush have hosted.
Other previous White House white tie events include:
Clinton Administration
June 1994, Japan State Dinner
December 1999, New Year's Eve
February 2000, Spain State Dinner
Reagan Administration
1981 Inaugural Balls
Preparation for the Dinner
Mrs. Bush planned the dinner menu with her Social Secretary Amy Zantzinger and Executive Chef Cristeta "Cris" Comerford to prepare the dinner menu. Chef Comerford has worked in the White House kitchen since 1995 and was named Executive Chef in August, 2005.
Mrs. Bush also coordinated with Social Secretary Amy Zantzinger and Bill Yosses, the White House Executive Pastry Chef responsible for creating the dessert. Chef Yosses was named Executive Pastry Chef in January 2007.
The menu will include five courses: Appetizer/Soup, Fish, Meat, Salad and Dessert.
The Room Setting
The table settings will be appropriately appointed with historically significant pieces, including:
Cream Damask tablecloths with beige strié to cover the thirteen tables.
Each table will be adorned with the Clinton China, which is ivory with a gold rim, and features a vignette of the White House; the Vermeil Flatware; the President's House crystal pattern; and alternating candelabras and containers from the Vermeil collection.
Pieces from the “Vermeil” (French term for gilded silver) collection are 18th and 19th century English
The “Vermeil” collection has been used throughout the White House for almost fifty years and was received in 1957 as a bequest from Mrs. Margaret Thompson Biddle, heiress to a Montana mining fortune.
White House Coordination with the Office of Protocol
As with every State visit, the White House coordinates with the Office of Protocol, which resides at the Department of State. Ray Martinez serves as the Acting Chief of Protocol of the United States. There is always tight coordination between the Office of Protocol and White House entities, including the First Lady's Office, the White House Military Office, and the National Security Council. The Office of Protocol also ensures specific information is provided in preparation for State visits hosted by the President and Mrs. Bush, such as the proper way to address foreign dignitaries and visitors, dietary restrictions, and overall logistical movements.
Official Visits Hosted by President and Mrs. Bush
The President and Mrs. Bush have hosted eight Official visits during the Administration. An official visits includes a visit from a Head of Government or a Prime Minister with a formal White House Arrival Ceremony. Previous visits hosted by the President and Mrs. Bush are:
Mexico – September 5, 2001
Republic of Poland – July 17, 2002
Republic of Philippines – May 19, 2003
Republic of Kenya – October 6, 2003
People's Republic of China – December 9, 2003
Republic of India – July 18, 2005
Australia – May 16, 2006
Japan – June 29, 2006
State Dinners Hosted by President and Mrs. Bush
The State Dinner for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness The Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh is the fifth of the Bush Administration. Four of the eight official visits also included State Dinners:
Mexico State Dinner – September 5, 2001
Republic of Poland State Dinner – July 17, 2002
Republic of Philippines State Dinner – May 19, 2003
Republic of Kenya State Dinner – October 6, 2003
The Schedule of the Her Majesty's Visit to America
Her Majesty and His Royal Highness will visit the United States from May 3 – 8, 2007. The Queen and Duke will visit Virginia (Richmond, Williamsburg and Jamestown) on May 3 – 4, 2007, to mark the 400th Anniversary of the Jamestown settlement. Separately in Virginia, the Duke will visit Norfolk.
On May 5, 2007, Her Majesty and His Royal Highness will visit Kentucky to attend the 133rd running of the Kentucky Derby. The royal couple will then visit Washington, D.C. on May 7 and 8, 2007, where they will be hosted by President and Mrs. Bush, including at a State Dinner at the White House.
Her Majesty and Mrs. Bush will visit the Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, D.C. on May 8, 2007, as well.
The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh will then host a Return Dinner for the President and Mrs. Bush at the Embassy of Britain on May 8, 2007.
Previous Visits to United States
This is Her Majesty's first visit to the United States in 16 years. Previous visits include the following:
President George H.W. Bush and Mrs. Bush, State Dinner, on May 14, 1991
President and Mrs. Reagan, California, March, 1983
President and Mrs. Ford, State Dinner, July, 1976
President and Mrs. Eisenhower, State Dinner, October, 1957
For this visit, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness The Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh will stay at the President's guest house, the Blair House.
In addition to the 2003 visit to England, the President and Mrs. Bush met Her Majesty and His Royal Highness in 1991, during the White House State Dinner hosted by the then President George H. W. Bush and Mrs. Barbara Bush.
Mrs. Bush's Chief of Staff
Anita McBride serves as Assistant to President George W. Bush and Chief of Staff to First Lady Laura Bush. As Chief of Staff, she oversees the First Lady's policy, press, correspondence, scheduling and advance, speechwriting, and social offices. Her White House service spans two decades and three administrations (George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan).
The Social Secretary
The Social Secretary is Amy Zantzinger. Mrs. Zantzinger is Special Assistant to the President and White House Social Secretary. She was named to this position in January 2007 and most recently owned an exclusive national interior design firm with design services for both residential and commercial clients throughout the United States. Previously, Zantzinger worked with then President George H. W. Bush in the White House as well as for the Bush family for both of George H. W. Bush's campaigns.
The Chief Usher
Admiral Steve Rochon is the eighth Chief Usher of the White House. With 36 years in public service, Admiral Rochon has an extensive background in personnel management, strategic planning, and effective interagency coordination. The Chief Usher is responsible for activities that occur in the Executive Residence and on the grounds, including the Arrival Ceremony and the set up of stages and continues through the evening for the Dinner.
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