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Thursday, June 28, 2007
Mellennium Celebrations- In the Foot step of Queen of Sheba
RE: Millennial Challenges of Synergizing world Civilizations
Ethiopian-Afrian Millennium is upon us. Twelveth Setember 2007 will be the beginning of the 8th Millennium and Year 2,000 in the Ethipian Calendar which began in 46 BC during the reign of Julius Caesar in Rome and the time of Jesus in Jerusalem.
This initial calendar was a brain child of African Scientists and Astronomers located in Egypt, Africa and had strong connection with the Axumite-Abyssinian-Ethiopian Calendar.
There are 13 months in a year, twelve with 30 days each and the last month of Pagume with five days and six days once in a leap year, every other fourth year, referred to the Period of St. John the Baptist. Enqutatash other wise known as Day of St John or Kidus Yohannes is the New Year Event in Ethiopia has been celebrated from time imemorial. This Ethiopoian new year is very close to the Jewish New Year, perhaps 11 days apart or so, indicating the close Jewsih-Christian and Islamic Connection of the region.
The European New Year used to be celebrated in March and was changed to January during the zenith of the British Empire some time around 1750 around 250 years or so. The present European Calendar is a mixture of Vatican (Gregory the XIX) and British Calendar and adds some 8 years and 11 days to the Ethiopian Calendar.
Ethiopia is known to be the home of the Garden of Eden where the Second River of Ghion (Blue Nile) surrounds it (Lake Tana Region) and home to the first hominid- Lucy and Selam- the oldest human remains. Ethiopia is a museum of culture, governance of different cultures that has lasted over 7,500 years of recorded governance.
This unique Ethiopian Calendar and Civilization is recognized by African Health of States at their recent African Union Meeting in Addis to be adopted as African Millennium. This notion has taken a strong hold when last Friday, The United Nations adopted to honor the whole year of 12 September 2007- 11 September 2008 as Ethiopian Millennium- a unique recognition of Ethiopian pre-eminence in world culture, language, calendar and the heritage of the world's civilization.
The following is some interesting history of this ancient land which is going to celebrate the African or World Millennium on 12 September 2007. People of African Descent which is all 6.5 Billion people are expected to celebrate this unique heritage through out the year.
Readers are encouraged to be part of this unqiue once in a thousand years experience by re-connecting with Africa and travelling to Ethiopia through out the year.
with regards and wishing you a unqiue period of African Millennia Rennaissance,
I look for your creative and enterprising participation.
Belai Habte-Jesus, MD, MPH
Member of the Millennium Committee in North America.
Home News Art, History & Culture In The Queen of Sheba's Footsteps ወደ ኢትዮጵያ ሚሊኒየም ብሔራዊ አከባበር ሴክረተርያት ጽ / ቤት ዋና ድረ -ገጽ እንኳን በደሕና መጡ፤፤
In The Queen of Sheba's Footsteps
Sunday, 09 April 2006
Lalibela's Bet Giyorgis, most famous of the eleven rock-hewn churches in this mountainous area, is believed to have been built in the late 12th or early 13th century by King Lalibela. These incredible edifices, which were carved inside and outside from solid rock, are ranked among the wonders of the world. Our team of North American journalists came to Ethiopia with few preconceived notions, yet each had some special areas of concern.
For every member of the group, it was a first time journey to this ancient, mysterious, storybook land. What a spiritual awakening it proved to be. The tour of Ethiopia's Historic Route began in Addis Ababa, the capital and geographical center. For starters, Ethiopian Airlines, flew us north to Lalibela, the holy city; to Gondar- Africa's Camelot, and to Bahir Dar on Lake Tana, source of the Blue Nile. Dire Dawa and the walled city of Harar in the eastern sector completed the agenda. Nothing I had read about the Holy City of Lalibela, its mysteries, legends, saints and monarchs, could have prepared me for what we were about to encounter on this trip. The brief morning flight from Addis Ababa's Airport north was a delight, winging through the cloudless skies, as an ever-changing panorama of awesome gorges, deep canyons and broad plateaus unfolded below.
Everything that I had read about Ethiopia in Wilbur Smith's novels, the River God and Secret Scroll, was as he described. As we learned later from Hon. Yusuf Abdullahi Sukkar, Ethiopia's Tourism Commissioner, airport construction enjoys a high priority, and on the high plain south of Lalibela, a new terminal building is in the final stages of completion. Our temporary waiting area was a baggage shack, where we basked in the morning sun, awaiting the commuter bus.
A Storybook Land: I've never been to Tibet, but the spiritual presence and views we saw during our corkscrew journey up the hillside would easily fit that image. Small wonder this storybook land has such a spiritual presence, a proud tradition and a way of life that has survived three millennia, despite an outside world of hate, conquest, treachery, trial and turmoil. The thatched villages, shepherd boys, terraced farming methods, simple forms of irrigation and donkey power, attest to the fact that time has stood still &emdash; as well it should. Coming from North America it's hard for us to realize that this is the way it has been in this part of the world since time immemorial.
Rocks of Ages: During my recent African excursions, I have been awed by mankind's glorious creations, offset by a Jekyll and Hyde capacity for evil. While we were shocked by the slave castles of West Africa's Gold Coast and Zanzibar's dungeons, we saw the result of godly forces at work in the 12th century rock -hewn churches that have made the Holy City of Lalibela a magnet for Christian pilgrims and historians.
Many come for the famous church festivals in Ethiopia, such as Timket (Epiphany) and other times of celebration and devotion. Souvenirs of King Lalibela are everywhere, as a continuing tribute to his glory and greatness in creating these wonders of the world. Our official photographer, Robert Eilets couldn't get over the abundance of photo opportunities in Lalibela's streets, at the famous stone churches and around every bend in the road leading to this remote highland community. Next time, we vowed to allow an extra day for photography alone.
Franco - Ethiopian Railway from Addis Ababa to Djibouti on the Horn of Africa
Given Aladdin's 3 wishes I would: (1) Restore Emperor Haile Sellasie's original 'Lion of Judah' railway engine that's standing all alone in the train yard. (2) Hook it up to the Emperor's prized set of antique French and British crafted coaches, and (3) Operate a twice daily luxury tour on the Franco-Ethiopian Railway. Built in the 1930s, the 482 mile line stretches from Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa, via Nazaret, Rift Valley and Dire Dawa, to Djibouti, a French protectorate on the Gulf of Aden. In a 10 -minute BBC interview at the Gare (Railway Station) I commented, "Think of the much needed income such a packaged tour would generate for the Ethiopian economy.
Discover Historic Lalibela
Lalibela's Bet Giyorgis, most famous of the eleven rock-hewn churches in this mountainous area, is believed to have been built in the late 12th or early 13th century by King Lalibela. These incredible edifices, which were carved inside and outside from solid rock, are ranked among the wonders of the world. Our team of North American journalists came to Ethiopia with few preconceived notions, yet each had some special areas of concern. For every member of the group, it was a first time journey to this ancient, mysterious, storybook land. What a spiritual awakening it proved to be. The tour of Ethiopia's Historic Route began in Addis Ababa, the capital and geographical center. For starters, Ethiopian Airlines, flew us north to Lalibela, the holy city; to Gondar- Africa's Camelot, and to Bahir Dar on Lake Tana, source of the Blue Nile. Dire Dawa and the walled city of Harar in the eastern sector completed the agenda. Nothing I had read about the Holy City of Lalibela, its mysteries, legends, saints and monarchs, could have prepared me for what we were about to encounter on this trip. The brief morning flight from Addis Ababa's Airport north was a delight, winging through the cloudless skies, as an ever-changing panorama of awesome gorges, deep canyons and broad plateaus unfolded below. More->
Oldest Human Ancestor Discovered in Ethiopia: An international team of scientists working in Ethiopia's Afar Depression recently announced the discovery of hominid fossils that belong to the oldest human ancestor ever found. The fossils which date back between 5.2 and 5.8 millions years ago, are significant because they indicate that the ancestors of present-day humans split evolutionary company with apes more than 5 million years ago. The specimens are recognizable as early hominids and distinguishable from early chimpanzees, because some of their teeth characteristics are shared exclusively with later hominids. In addition, the bones have a distinctive feature found only in primates that walk upright on two feet, unlike apes, which do not walk bipedally. This new fossil discovery also supports Darwin's theory that hominids arose in Africa. More->
Birth of Coffee: There is an old Ethiopian legend that says that a young goatherd noticed his herd becoming unusually frisky after eating some bright red berries. After trying some himself, he found that they had the same stimulating effect on him. A monk from a neighboring monastery also tried these berries after he found the young goat herd in this state, and to his amazement, he also found that the berries helped keep him and others alert during their night prayers and thus spread the use of coffee. More->
Ethiopian Airlines Wins Friends , Influences People: How many of our under 30 generation have read his books, or even know about Dale Carnegie, I could never guess. Yet this one man's simple concepts have changed millions of lives dramatically and positively for generations, not just in North America, but around the world. In my opinion everyone should read at least one of his inspiring books. Like Napoleon Hill, another author who has inspired folks around the world, he leads by example. The management at Ethiopian Airlines has the type of action-based thinking and 'hands on' approach Carnegie talks about on every page of his best seller, "How to Win Friends and Influence People." Speaking of winning friends, the way our group of 11 journalists was catered to during a Tourism Ministry sponsored flight from the USA to Addis Ababa -- and around the country on its regional routes, left its mark indelibly on each of us. Following the Historic Route Tour to Lalibela, Gondar, Bahir Dar-and Lake Tana, I had the opportunity of working at the company's head office for several days, laying the foundation for this issue and an updated (Post Congress) edition of Africa Travel Magazine. That was when I experienced the "Spirit of Ethiopian Airlines" first hand. More->
Wine and Roses: My inner child loves surprises, and to discover a freshly cut sweetheart rose nestled on one's pillow is a touch that transcends time and space. This was the first surprise the Sheraton Addis reserved for our group, and much more awaited us as we checked the nooks and crannies of this elegant hotel and its spacious, luxuriant, terraced grounds. Later, we discovered ornate vases of roses literally everywhere; in the restaurants, around the lobby and corridors, at the pool-side -- and at a festive wedding we attended. Airports: Nationwide expansion sets stage for tourism More->
Bahir Dar, Lake Tana, Blue Nile Falls
A pleasant surprise occurred on day 3 of our Historic Route journey through Ethiopia. Following a short flight on Ethiopian Airlines from Gondar to Bahir Dar Airport, the gut-wrenching condition of the road leading west led me to believe our group of 11 journalists would be staying at some dusty lakeside village. However, like several of my colleagues, I was completely bowled over when tall palms and jacarandas suddenly appeared out of the blue. Like part of a royal procession, we entered a modern, well laid out community with broad, tree-lined boulevards. Bahir Dar would rival many seaside retreats on the Mediterranean or Florida. En route to Lake Tana, I spotted a huge resort hotel complex nearing completion &emdash; a sign of positive things to come. After checking into our hotel, we boarded a motor launch for a spin around Lake Tana, which is Ethiopia's largest lake. We're told there are 37 small islands on the lake, and most of them shelter monasteries and churches, some dating back to the 13th century. On most inland bodies of water of this size, one might encounter powerboats and sleek sailing craft, but on Lake Tana in Northern Ethiopia, leisure gives way to practicality. Here, the waters are alive with a fleet of 'tankwas' , papyrus canoes, carrying charcoal and firewood to market in Bahir Dar. More->
A Storybook Land: I've never been to Tibet, but the spiritual presence and views we saw during our corkscrew journey up the hillside would easily fit that image. Small wonder this storybook land has such a spiritual presence, a proud tradition and a way of life that has survived three millennia, despite an outside world of hate, conquest, treachery, trial and turmoil. The thatched villages, shepherd boys, terraced farming methods, simple forms of irrigation and donkey power, attest to the fact that time has stood still &emdash; as well it should. Coming from North America it's hard for us to realize that this is the way it has been in this part of the world since time immemorial.
Rocks of Ages: During my recent African excursions, I have been awed by mankind's glorious creations, offset by a Jekyll and Hyde capacity for evil. While we were shocked by the slave castles of West Africa's Gold Coast and Zanzibar's dungeons, we saw the result of godly forces at work in the 12th century rock -hewn churches that have made the Holy City of Lalibela a magnet for Christian pilgrims and historians.
Many come for the famous church festivals in Ethiopia, such as Timket (Epiphany) and other times of celebration and devotion. Souvenirs of King Lalibela are everywhere, as a continuing tribute to his glory and greatness in creating these wonders of the world. Our official photographer, Robert Eilets couldn't get over the abundance of photo opportunities in Lalibela's streets, at the famous stone churches and around every bend in the road leading to this remote highland community. Next time, we vowed to allow an extra day for photography alone.
Footnote: Back in Addis Ababa, it was our turn to be interviewed -- this time by Ethiopian press, radio and television. To a person, each journalist agreed it was a positive experience with no feelings of concern or anxiety about personal health and safety. The climate in mid February was perfect, and the hospitality of the people was second to none. What a beautiful prelude to the ATA congress, Africa's 1st major tourism event of the new millennium. More to come, including map and photos.
Gondar: Africa's Camelot
As our minibus rolled into Gondar, after a short flight from Lalibela, there was ample evidence that here was an area destined for long range development as a destination resort. Several new industries attest to this growing trend, as did our conversation with entrepreneurs at the airport and later at the hotel. Our modern, government operated hotel, the Goha was perched like a sentinel on a hilltop, with a commanding view of the city and countryside. Gondar was Ethiopia's capital and principal city during the reign of Emperor Fasilidas in the 17th century. Perhaps that's why I expected to find it a shrine to past glories, instead of an active, bustling community, with people filling the streets, shops doing a brisk business, and scores of gaudily painted horse and buggy taxis (garis) scooting every which way, like bumper cars at a midway. Several of our group decided to try this hair raising means of transport, and it became a highlight of their day, trotting through the narrow alleys of this centuries old capital.
Thanks to a massive government initiative, many of the castles, palaces and royal structures built by the early Emperors are being carefully restored. These treasures of Gondar include the stone bathhouse of Emperor Fasiladas and the ruined Palace of Kusquam. We also entered the church of Debre Brhan Selassie, to gaze in awe at its unique murals, which have stood the test of time for centuries. These castles display a richness in architecture that reveals the influence of Arabia as well as Axumite traditions, and are said to be the largest concentration of such structures in Africa.
(continued) Bahir Dar, Lake Tana and the Blue Nile Falls.
Jerry W. Bird is President of ATA Canada Chapter, Editor and Publisher of Africa Travel Magazine, and Webmaster for the ATA site www.africa-ata.org. He is also Publisher of Air Highways Magazine, the Journal of Open Skies, featuring aviation, tourism, transportation and business worldwide. His career began with the Edmonton Journal Daily Newspaper, and expanded into the full spectrum of media - radio, television, magazines and Internet. He has won international awards for creativity in audio visual and print production.
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